Thursday, October 21, 2010

Been along time...

It has been a long time. I haven't stopped the journey just got derailed a bit. With the loss of my daddy and everything else it has been hard.

I have been taking care of my family and not myself for quite a while now. I have help that isn't the issue...I was just hiding from myself. We joined a gym as a family and I have gotten the kids moving and grooving. As soon as I am done with these IV infusions (for an infected toe) I am going to go back to swimming. I figure the kids go 4 times a week (2 lessons each a week) for swimming lessons and it would be a great time for me to hop into the pool next to them and do my own work outs.

I am back on eating every 2 hours, the effects of not doing so have shown greatly. I need to start back on IP full time, that will come very soon.

Until later...