Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Been a month now...

Been slowly adding packets for the last month. I am doing on avg. 1-2 packets but primarily have using a protien powder prescribed by the naturopath. It isn't the best tasting lol but it is ok. It has all the vitamins I need so I don't need to take a multi-vitamin and it has things to promote weight loss. With the economy so bad and the household budget held hostage I can only do so much. All that being said I am still losing weight. I wore a dress and boots today...yes a DRESS and Knee high boots!!! I couldn't beleive it either...but I did.

I haven't been swimming or walking much in the pool been hurting to much to do that, but when I can I walk the stores. Not having accupuncture has been a real downer. I found it was really helping, not only weight loss but pain management. Now it took almost 30 appointments and a very very nasty special herb mixutre lol to see results of weight loss...but I did. The pain managment results showed within 1-2 visits.

I am going to keep up on my salads twice a day with whatever I eat. It still is a struggle to eat in the morning (sometimes lunch too) but I am trying. One day at a time. Who knows maybe this time next year I will be in high heels again!

Until later...

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