Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 1 - 9/12/09

I am very excited to start today. I woke up after a good night's rest (7ish hours) and feel like today is the DAY! I emailed my friend, I am not sure if she will start today also, she was "thinking" about it. I already cut up all the veggies and made the salads into easy grab and go packs just in case.

{I will update these through out the day}
So I choose to eat the Wild Berry Yogurt for breakfast. I put it in the shaker with the water and some ice to really chill it. It was great. I also had to eat toast per the coach (not happy about it) and now it feels like it is sitting there in the middle of my chest. I think I will drink some tea (will require 1 extra glass of water which is NOT and issue) to help move it along. I also took all my vitamins instead of breaking them out as I know I would not take then twice a day. I am not sure what I will have for lunch with my salad and veggies. I was thinking maybe I will have some butterscotch pudding (will make it in advance so it is cold). Until later...
I don't know if I am truly hungry or if it is my mind thinking "Hey now...that wasn't enough!". It has only been 2.5 hours and I feel hungry. I am going to steam my veggies and eat my salad and veggies. Not sure what I will put on the steamed veggies. I am steaming 1 cup of veggies and using the other 1 cup to put on my salad as fixings.

I choose to eat cucumbers, mushrooms and of course the lettuce. I am going to figure out an olive oil and either lemon or apple cider mix that works for me. I thought about maybe using a few of the salt and vinegar chips to use as croutons but not the whole bag this way I can use it mutliple times and still have a selection, thinking of the butterscotch pudding! I also get 2 pieces of toast, or a variety of other stuff I could choose to eat with the meal.

My sugar could be low too, so I will check that if it is I will have to have a restricted food. :-(
So my sugar was a little low. The salad and veggies, steamed cauliflower and butterscotch pudding were filling. I am not hungry anymore, nor am I overstuffed but I am full. The kids were having mac and cheese (Talk about the ultimate will power!!! My fav food!) and I kept thinking screw it I am going to just eat that...I didn't though. I kept thinking bikini in Fiji!
WOW! I have been mentally hungry every 2.5 hours on the dot. I get this way when I eat though. Normally I don't eat breakfast and lunch is hit and miss.

My sugar was low again, but that isn't to unusual for me. Tonight I had Quron Turkey burgers (2qty = 5oz meat), salad with lemon and olive oil, and steamed cauliflower (I could live off of it).

I have been drinking my water, I am passed (way passed) 8 - 8 ounce glasses. What has been really hard is not eating what I want. I love mac and cheese and omg it has been a fight. It is NOT easy, I hope it will pass (I am told it will). I just kept thinking, I paid a lot of money to do this, and I want to be back to my healthy weight and go to fiji! Despite all has been really hard!!

The food is good, just the mental aspect right now is hard. I guess this is why they say the first 3-4 days you might be grouchy (I am just calling that bitchy!). I haven't cheated, and I was told if I was very hungry to take a shake or something (no restrictors).

Did I mention this was hard?! I knew I had will power but COME ON, this is taking much more than that. I felt at one point like my tummy was going to eat its way out from inside out! Oh well I am doing it for me, and I will suffer through and know that this too shall pass!

I decided to try out the raspberry was good. Again I was hungry 2.5 hours after dinner. I hope I don't wake up in the night with hunger pains!

I am off to get my beauty rest! Until later...and I hope you enjoy reading (my pain and misery! HAHAHA!)

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