Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 6 - 9/17/09

So instead of having yogurt last night I had a bar. I cut it up into pieces and just snacked on it. I woke up this morning feeling fine, still not hungry for breakfast though. I weighed again just to see if the scale was wrong and it still shows 10lbs lost (now this is not the dr. scale, mine and the dr's was off by 7lbs)! I know it is all water weight but still!

I need to go to the store, I bought minimal stuff to get out of the store yesterday and didn't get enough! Who knew a head of cauliflower wouldn't last more than a day! Alright it is the only veggie I am eating right now other than the salad, mushrooms, and cucumbers.

OH I hate the grocery store now! I haven't cheated, but going in there makes me feel sick. I am dreading going to the store, we need more than my stuff. It is very tempting...but I need stuff for dinner.

{I will update these through out the day}
I am going to eat the wild berry yogurt I made yesterday, I hope it isn't nasty! After I eat I will go to the store for a few things.
I had salad at the house and the cranberry, blueberry, pom on the road. Tue/Thur are my busy day but Thursday's are my late night.
I didn't get home until after 8pm and I was starving. I am going to have to bring a bar or something for the in between. I wanted to cheat I was so hungry! I ate the usual just late. I also chopped up and bagged stuff while the dinner was cooking. I really wanted to cheat yesterday. I thought oh how easy it would be just to run by taco bell or mcdonalds and grab something quick and fast. I didn't, instead I starved until I got home.
I was going to have the jello but it wasn't ready, so I had butterscotch. The cat is also upset so he isn't feeling well and showing it. This was going to be a long night!

Until later...

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