Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 7 - 9/18/09

Well today is the day! I made 7!!! Today I get weighed and measured.

I can't wait to see how much if any change there is. I have a busy morning but I am back near where I need to be to eat for lunch. I haven't had much sleep but I do feel like I slept all night!
What a feeling! So I had my appointment and I asked some questions...
Xylitol gum - is it ok to have? Nope can't have.
Propel water and packets - ok to have? Nope can't have.
Can I have ANY waldens farms stuff? Only the dressings!
Can I have more than two cups of veggies (not salad)? Yes!
Other notes
...because I am veg'n she is going to ask at a seminar tomorrow (9/19/09) about veg'ns because Quorn and the rest of the stuff has dextrose which is sugar.

I refuse to eat meat. So I will be intrested in knowing what they say. Also I didn't think I was getting enough protien because people who eat the meat and fish get more than me, so I am adding another packet to meal plan (maybe an afternoon snack).

I am off to eat lunch!

{I will update these through out the day}
I am going to have the jello I didn't have last night. It is easy and I can be done quickly. My appointment is at 10am and I am really excited.
mmm I had the lemon pudding today after my salad + veggies and it was good. I am still on the so proud of myself high! lol

It just proves I did the right things by standing my ground against mac and cheese and omg fries from McD's!
The other half made pizza for the kids, mmm I loved pizza and then was setting them up at the table and sets it RIGHT in front of me! I was like WTF? How inconsiderate and childish (he was being bratty). After that I wanted to cheat so bad! I wanted pizza too! It drove me crazy but I kept thinking...19lbs lost don't sway!

So I had my usual later on after I calmed down and was being more rational. Salad w/mushrooms, steamed cauliflower and quorn.
I was going to have butterscotch pudding but it was so late, so I had a caramel nut bar instead.

Until later...

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